Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Talk to your GP or pharmacist if you want advice on which licensed NRT is best for you.


The nicotine patch releases a controlled daily amount of nicotine into your skin. It produces lower levels of nicotine than smoking, but high enough levels to prevent withdrawal symptoms.


Chewing NRT gum releases nicotine into your bloodstream through the lining of your mouth.


Sucking NRT lozenges slowly releases nicotine. They are available in various flavours and strengths.


NRT tablets are placed under your tongue, where they slowly disintegrate within 30 minutes. They are a discreet and flexible form of NRT.


When using the inhalator, nicotine is absorbed mainly by the lining of your mouth from the plug in the mouthpiece. The inhalator may provide a substitute for the hand to mouth habit of smoking.

Mouth spray

Nicotine mouth spray is available as a small pocket-sized container. The nicotine quickly absorbs into your body through the lining of your mouth.

Nasal spray

NRT nasal spray delivers nicotine through the lining of your nose. This acts faster than any other type of NRT.

Stop smoking medication

The following medications are only available on prescription. Ask your GP for more details. These medications are not suitable for everyone.

Champix® (Varenicline)

Champix® substantially improves your chances of quitting smoking. It reduces cravings, other withdrawal symptoms and the pleasure you get from smoking.

Zyban® (Bupropion)

Zyban® substantially improves your chances of quitting smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke and other withdrawal symptoms.


E-cigarettes are a type of nicotine replacement product. The latest guidance from Public Health England suggests they are less harmful to your health than smoking. However, the short and long-term effects of ‘vaping’ e-cigarettes are not yet known.

E-cigarettes contain nicotine and are designed to help smokers by replacing the nicotine in cigarettes. They appear to be a safer option than smoking, but they are not regulated or licensed.

Licensed nicotine replacement therapies like patches, gum and sprays are tightly controlled for product quality and safety. They are a better option for your health than e-cigarettes.

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